Drought Impacts on Landscape Plant Survival

Drought, or periods of water shortage, impact plants in a variety of ways. Drought affects how much water is available for plant use. If plants cannot tolerate lack of water various symptoms will appear.

Lack of water can lead to:

  • Stunted growth
  • Increased disease susceptibility
  • Increased susceptibility to winter injury
  • Death or injury when a warm period is followed by a very cold period in winter

Initially, growth stops and foliage wilts as plants become stressed. Unless supplemental irrigation …

What is a Drought?


Water wise landscape.

Quick Answer:

Droughts are naturally occurring events that result from less than normal precipitation over short or extended periods of time.

The effects of drought can affect normal human activities and the environment. Drought is a normal part of climate patterns and occurs virtually everywhere.

Drought is not detrimental in and of itself. Problems with drought arise when water use exceeds water supply.

Types of Drought

  • Meteorological: significant departure of precipitation below normal values
  • Agricultural: soil moisture is not

Firewise Planning and Landscape Design

Wildfire burning into urban setting.

‘Firewise’ planning, landscape design, and maintenance is important in areas where fires frequently occur. Homes built on the wildland / urban interface are particularly susceptible to the destructive effects of wild fire.

Proper design firewise planning and design includes creating several landscape zones to create a defensible space around buildings and other structures.

Four basic zones are recommended for creating and planning a firewise landscape design:

Zone 1

  • Provide at least a 30’ buffer where tall plants are not