How deep should mulch be applied around trees?

Wood and bark chip mulch protects trees and shrubs from lawnmower damage. However, do not make “mulch volcanoes” around tree trunks by applying chips up against a tree’s trunk. 

Wet chips piled up against the trunk can cause bark problems and interfere with the natural trunk taper, making the tree more prone to wind throw.  Keep the mulch at the base of the tree and preferably back at least 6” from the trunk.   

Bark mulch mounded up around a tree trunk


bark mulch placed around the trunk flare at the base of a tree


Please, NEVER pile bark mulch around tree

What is Water Conservation?

Quick Answer:

Water conservation is the reduction in use of water through a variety of methods. Most households waste water through inefficient plumbing, leaks, clothes washing machines, and over watering the landscape.

It is estimated that about 30% of total household water use is outdoors. Of that 30%, 40 to 70% is used to irrigate the landscape; a staggering 9 billion gallons of water used per day.                                              





Conserving water will:

  • Reduce pollution of water bodies and aquifers

What is a Drought?


Water wise landscape.

Quick Answer:

Droughts are naturally occurring events that result from less than normal precipitation over short or extended periods of time.

The effects of drought can affect normal human activities and the environment. Drought is a normal part of climate patterns and occurs virtually everywhere.

Drought is not detrimental in and of itself. Problems with drought arise when water use exceeds water supply.

Types of Drought

  • Meteorological: significant departure of precipitation below normal values
  • Agricultural: soil moisture is not

Why Conserve Water?

Conserving Water:

Conserving water is fast becoming a hot topic across the nation. Water is one of our most precious natural resources. Although the Earth’s surface is 70% water, only 2.5% is fresh water. The amount of fresh water available for human use and consumption, however, is less than 1% of the fresh water.

Drought and the potential impacts of climate change only adds to the uncertainty surrounding water availability.

There are many ways to conserve water around the home …