What Does a Water Conserving Landscape Look Like?

A water conserving landscape will look different depending on where it is located. Water conserving (water-wise) landscapes may look like the surrounding natural landscape or a more formal design might be used.Water conserving landscapes tend to have smaller lawns and utilize plants that use less water than in traditional landscapes.

Mulches and drip irrigation systems may also used to conserve water.

The Utah Water-Wise Plants for Utah Landscapes website specifies that for a plant to be considered water wise …

Seven Principles of Water Conserving Landscapes: Xeriscapes

Water conserving landscapes may also be referred to as xeriscapes or water-wise landscapes. Seven principles of water conserving landscapes (xeriscapes) have been developed by the Denver Water Department to guide the process of designing for water conservation in the landscape. They are:

  1. Planning and design for water conservation, beauty, and utility
  2. Improving soils
  3. Efficient irrigation
  4. Plant zoning (hydrozoning)
  5. Mulching to reduce water loss
  6. Turf alternatives
  7. Maintaining the landscape



California – Water-wise Landscaping: Water Conserving Plants for the

Misconceptions about Water Conserving Landscapes

Many people have misconceptions about what a water conserving landscape should look like. Instead of xeriscape, another term for water conserving landscapes, many think of a ‘zero-scape’ or a landscape made up of rock, cactus, and animal skulls.

While there are many concerns about what a water conserving landscape should look like, many can be solved by simply understanding what a water conserving landscape is and what it is not.

A water conserving landscape simply uses less water than …