Proper Plant Placement

Proper plant placement in the landscape can ensure a healthy low maintenance garden. Common plant placement problems include:

  • Planting too close together
  • Planting too close to a building or other structure
  • Planting plants with different water needs together

Also, in areas prone to forest or wildfires, proper plant placement is critical to saving life and property.

Proper Spacing

Overplanting is a common problem in the garden. Too many plants planted too close together will eventually cause crowding and may increase maintenance.  Air circulation can be limited and disease problems may occur.

Draw an outline of the mature plant size on the soil with a stick or other object to get a sense of how much space will be needed. Placement of Plants in the Garden


Group plants together with similar water needs. Many irrigation systems are set up to apply the same amount of water to all of the plants in the garden. Turf water needs are different than the water needs of herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and trees

Planning and Design: Hydrozoning

Proper Planting for Fire Safety

In areas prone to forest fires, proper placement of plants is critical and can help save the property and lives.

Nevada – What is Firescaping?
Utah – Firewise Plants for Utah Landscape 
Oregon – Fire Protection and Prevention for Home and Property 
Florida – Firewise Landscaping

Additional Resources:


Missouri – Tree Placement on Home Grounds


Colorado – Tree Placement Tips