Consider Mature Size When Installing Plants

Have you ever seen a huge Norway Spruce overwhelming a small hundred year old home or shrubs planted too close to a building? Many times, mature plant size is not considered in the design process.  Plants will be out of proportion to the size of the building or entryway.

Sometimes, a homeowner or builder will plant too many plants of immature size to make the building look ‘presentable’ immediately. Proper plant placement, keeping mature size in mind, is especially important …

Plant Size Impacts on Sun and Shade

Plants in the landscape are constantly growing, changing, and dying. Larger plants will eventually shade out sun loving plants beneath them. Be prepared to replace sun loving plants with more shade tolerant plants when needed.

Large trees will have the biggest impact, followed by medium and small trees, and large shrubs. Conversely, if a large tree is removed, consider the impact of sun on shade loving plants. Some will adapt well while others may show signs of sun scorch or …