Seven Principles of Water Conserving Landscapes: Xeriscapes

Water conserving landscapes may also be referred to as xeriscapes or water-wise landscapes. Seven principles of water conserving landscapes (xeriscapes) have been developed by the Denver Water Department to guide the process of designing for water conservation in the landscape. They are:

  1. Planning and design for water conservation, beauty, and utility
  2. Improving soils
  3. Efficient irrigation
  4. Plant zoning (hydrozoning)
  5. Mulching to reduce water loss
  6. Turf alternatives
  7. Maintaining the landscape



California – Water-wise Landscaping: Water Conserving Plants for the Sierra Foothills ZOne 7
Oregon – An Introduction to Xeriscaping in the High Desert and Pictorial Plant Guide for Central & Eastern Oregon


Florida – Discovery Gardens: Solutions for Your Life
South Carolina – Conserving Water in Your Landscape


Oklahoma – Native Plants of Oklahoma