planning and design of water conserving lawns and landscapes – table of contents

Analyzing Your Landscape: Beginning Gardeners

Residential Landscape Design: Keeping a Garden Journal
Residential Landscapes: Opportunities and Constraints for Design
Taking an Inventory of Your Yard

Analyzing Your Landscape: Experienced Gardeners

Landscape Design: Creating Unity (experienced gardeners)
Site Inventory and Analysis for Water-Wise Landscapes (experienced)
Water-Wise Landscape Family Needs Assessment

Landscape Designs

Planning a Water-Wise Landscape

Creating a Practical/Pleasing Outdoor Space
Designing Around Drainage Areas
Designing Small Spaces in theĀ  Landscape
Elements and Principles of Design for Creating a Water-Wise Landscape
Grouping Plants into Hydrozones
Hardscaping Areas to Minimize Water Use
Identify Sun and Shade Areas
Proper Plant Placement
Landscape Design: Dream Big, but Start out Small
Landscapes: Natural Plant Succession Considerations
Planning and Design: Grouping Plants
Preparing a Planting Plan
Using Accent Plants to Create Emphasis
Using Fences to Accent a Water-Wise Landscape
Using Sustainable Hardscape Materials
Water Conservation and Slopes
Tips for Using Plants to Reduce Noise in the Landscape

Plant Size Considerations
Consider Mature Size When Installing Plants
Microclimates in Water-Wise Landscapes
Plant Size Impacts on Sun and Shade
Planting to Enhance Views

Additional Resources: State Water Conservation Programs


Texas – Earth-Kind Landscaping


Utah Water Savers

Utah Water Conservation

Utah – Slow the Flow